
Check in throughout the Class

Another way to encourage academic integrity is to remain connected with your students throughout the class. This can significantly reduce the likelihood of them turning to GenAI or outside services to succeed in your course. After each assessment, take a moment to review student activity in Canvas as a means of checking in. Are the students logging in regularly? Are they actively engaged? More importantly, is their engagement leading to mastery of the material? If not, consider why that might be.

Use these insights to reach out personally or survey the entire class to gather feedback:

              •            What’s going well, and what isn’t?

              •            Where are you struggling?

              •            What support or resources do you need?

              •            How can I help?

Schedule on campus or online appointments with students who appear to be struggling and hold at least one mid-semester check-in with the whole class. These efforts not only demonstrate that you care—an approach that can itself deter academic dishonesty—but also provide timely opportunities to address challenges before students feel compelled to cheat.

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This content draws inspiration from the  University of California San Diego Academic Integrity website. They also provide a Reinforcing Academic Integrity in the Age of AI: A Guide for Instructors, which offers additional recommendations for how to craft a GenAI policy for your courses.  

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