
Use T+L Resources

Use T+L Resources

Record Audio Narration Along with PowerPoint Slides

There are a plethora of tools one can use to record your voice over a set of PowerPoint slides. For...

Make Videos That Students Engage With

While making even basic webcam video can be a scary process for some, personal video shows students that their instructor is...

Swivl Video Capture

Swivl is an innovative video capture system that allows professors to record video of lessons, teaching materials for a flipped...

Edit Your Video Projects For Use in Your Course

After recording content for your course you may want to edit or trim your video.  While you can do basic...

Meeting Owl Quick Start Guide

The Meeting Owl is a 360° smart video conferencing camera. It automatically highlights and shifts focus to different people in...

T+L Studios – Spaces to Create and Collaborate

T+L Studios is a cutting-edge facility dedicated to enhancing teaching and learning through innovative educational technologies. We offer three main...