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  4. Explore Flexible Course Template Repository

Explore Flexible Course Template Repository

The library of Flexible courses that were completed throughout the two cohorts of the DT301 process, and through contracted builds, are all available in Canvas Commons.

Access the Flexible Course Repository in Commons

Keep Your Courses Updated in the Commons

In order to continue to benefit from these rich resources, please ensure that courses are regularly updated, such that Commons is always the single source of current course templates.

  • Link: How to update a course in Commons (When you are asked if the template being uploaded to Commons is an update to a previously built course, make sure to choose ‘Yes’ and fill in the version update area with details about what was changed.)

Only publish courses into Commons from a Template course and not from a live course. Template courses do not have due dates, announcements, or any other term specific information in it. Changes should occur within template courses (you would need to be a teacher in the Canvas course to do this) and then be pushed to Commons as frequently as significant changes are made. Templates stored in Commons should be in an 8-module structure, even if 16-modules are created specific for a given use case, in order to maintain consistency within the library of course templates.

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