We are excited to announce that the 2024 New Faculty Experience will be held from August 12 – 15, running each day from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. This program is designed to equip incoming resident faculty members for their first few weeks of teaching at Vanguard, as well as to help them get to know the Vanguard community and culture. This experience is just one part of a broader professional development program that continues throughout new professors’ first year.
Each participant will receive calendar invites for the various components of the New Faculty Experience, which will include location information, Zoom links, and other details. Invitations to the New Faculty Experience Canvas course shell will also be sent to new faculty.
The faculty participating in the New Faculty Experience have diverse backgrounds. Some have been teaching for over a decade, while others are newer to higher education. The program is designed to accommodate varying levels of experience and emphasizes relationship building and creating a learning community.

Additionally, those new faculty who have yet to take the Designing and Teaching for Impact Course (DT101) will be enrolled in it. DT101 is a self-paced course that introduces the basics of the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) and explores the backwards course design process, focusing on course learning objectives, assessment, activity, and content options. The course also covers topics such as online presence, course structure, usability, visual design, accessibility, multimedia, syllabi, and course management.
For more information, please contact Teaching + Learning.