The Teaching + Learning Team

We are writers, thinkers, teachers, learners, storytellers, librarians, technologists, questioners, readers, podcasters, statisticians, planners, contributors to others’ positivity and joy, and people made in the image of God.

Explore Backward Design

Backward design is a very useful model for designing courses for face-to-face, hybrid. or online settings.  Wiggins and McTighe, in their book Understanding by Design (2nd Ed., 2005), describe the three […]

Design for Accessibility

In the context of your courses, accessibility means making it possible for all students, regardless of physical or developmental impairment, to use all course materials and tools. A course is […]

Maximize Usability and Findability

Usability, findability, and visual design are critical aspects of the way your students experience your course.  A good student experience requires a functional and usable course.  A great student experience […]

Support Students in Developing Writing Skills

This article originally appeared in Bonni Stachowiak’s Toward Better Teaching: Office Hours Column on EdSurge. It is reposted here with permission. You can pose a question for a future column here. How […]

Keep Content Current in Canvas

This article originally appeared in Bonni Stachowiak’s Toward Better Teaching: Office Hours Column on EdSurge. It is reposted here with permission. You can pose a question for a future column here. NOTE: […]