New Designing and Teaching for Impact Course

David Rhoads, our Director of Teaching Excellence and Digital Pedagogy, has customized an online course from Indiana University, one of the leaders in online learning across the nation. So far over 20 professors are currently enrolled and three professors have now completed the course and are now certified!

Course banner

Below are the topics included in the course, which will help all of us improve our teaching practice (in both campus-based and online courses) and help our students learn in the best ways possible:

Designing & Teaching for Impact Course Modules

  1. Getting Started with Canvas
  2. Designing the Course: Where do I start?
  3. Assessment: How do I know my students are learning?
  4. Active and Interactive Learning: What can my students “do” inside and outside the classroom?
  5. Content: How can I make, find, and use educational resources?
  6. Structuring the Course: How do I put it all together and explain it to my students?
  7. Usability and Visual Design: What can I do to help my students see where to go and what to do?
  8. Accessibility: How can I help my students who use assistive technology?
  9. Multimedia: How can I make it, find it, and use it in my class?
  10. Online Presence: What can I do to ensure my students “see” me?
  11. Teaching in the Virtual Classroom: How is it different and what can I do to make it better?

Use the following link to self-enroll in this valuable course:

Once you have completed the course you will be certified and sent a badge signifying completion, and then you are able to perpetually refer to all the course resources going forward. We are excited about the feedback we have received so far, and we look forward to hearing what you think!